Many thousands of people of Serbian-heritage have been Members and supporters of the Foundation since 1962. If you also support the Purpose, Objectives, and Programs of the St. Sava Mission Foundation, we invite and encourage you to join us as a Member.
Members annually elect the Foundation’s Board of Directors; may choose to stand for election to the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee, or a Board Officer role; volunteer as they are able to serve on our various activity Committees (Marketing, Finance, Property Management, Senior Village); and/or volunteer as part of the team that conducts our popular annual Events. Membership Guidelines are established by our Constitution & By-Laws.
As it was with our original 1962 Founders, we are strongly Pro-Purpose and believe that an independent democratically-elected, transparently-governed, standards- and regulatory-compliant 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation is the only entity appropriate and capable to the Original Purpose of the St. Sava Mission.
Ours is a worthy cause devoted to both preserving the culture and supporting people of Serbian heritage living in the USA, and throughout the world where we can. If you support, endorse and subscribe to the objectives, goals and plans of the St. Sava Mission Foundation, and would like to become a Member, please:
Download our Application form here: Membership Application
Email the completed form to:
or print and mail it to:
Corporate Secretary
St. Sava Mission Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 252
Jackson, CA 95642