Key Information

E-Sports After School Club


For many companies who operate in the online space, attention and engagement are the holy grail. Social media sites in particular make deliberate creative choices to keep people scrolling, reading, watching and clicking. This phenomenon is known as ‘persuasive design’ and it’s being employed in the vast majority of the digital world’s most popular destinations.

A study by the charity 5Rights Foundation concluded that “…the brain's response to rewards and punishments can be leveraged through persuasive design to keep children online.” To tie in with Safer Internet Day 2024, this guide aims to educate youngsters on the effects of persuasive design – and suggests ways to insulate themselves from its influence.

As always the Strood Academy Safeguarding team are here to help.  Please get in touch with us by using the below contact details:

Designated Safeguard Lead = Ms Lindsay

Deputy Safeguard Lead = Ms Barlow 

College  Safeguarding Officers and Contacts:

Victory = Mrs Hurley-Sherwood

Hercules = Mrs Brice

Trafalgar = Mrs  Phillips

Please note, Strood Academy has a Safeguarding email which is operating both during and outside of school hours- Please reach out to us if there is anything we can do to support.


On Tuesday 30th January, Lottie Drynan visited Strood Academy. Lottie had lived in Medway for her entire life and she was excited for the opportunity to give back to a local school. Lottie has a blog that you may be interested to read and she is very popular on Instagram, with 318,000 followers!

She led the Trafalgar assembly and a number of small group workshops to engage students in positive mental health, positive body image and improving self esteem. She led a workshop with students who have SEMH needs and this led to discussions surrounding her being diagnosed with ADHD and students felt comfortable to discuss their own diagnosis and problems they have faced. Lottie concluded the day by being interviewed by Year 11 Citizenship students who have led an investigation on beauty standards and social media.

Lottie impacted a huge number of students throughout the day, some who have since contacted her on Instagram to thank her and ask  to keep in contact or ask for advice. Due to this Lottie has also very kindly purchased a handful of books supporting mental health which have been placed in the school library.

This was an extremely successful visit, one that we hope will become an annual event!

SEND Homework Support

The Endeavour Centre offers a SEND Homework Support Club every day either before school or during lunchtime. This is open to all SEND students in Key Stage 3. Our staff are on board to assist during these sessions should any student be struggling with a particular piece of homework. We urge you to encourage your child to use this to ensure they are keeping on top of homework deadlines. We hope to see many of you there.

Year 11

“Everything is important - success is in the detail” 

Mock exams simulate the conditions of the final exams, allowing students to become familiar with the format, timing, and expectations, which can help alleviate anxiety when it comes to the actual exams. The results of these mock exams will provide valuable feedback to both students and teachers. This feedback will be used to tailor our teaching methods and support strategies to better meet the needs of individual students. 

Please see the letter attached for further information on masterclasses, student exam timetables and how best to support your child in preparation for these, as well as a closer look at the completed February Mock Exams timetable.

With less than 75 school days until the Year 11s start their GCSE exams, a number of different strategies have been implemented to increase engagement and motivation, and support excellent outcomes for all. These are listed below. Please see the letter shared for more details on these.

We thank you in advance for your support in encouraging your children to make the most of these strategies.