Social Emotional Learning

October is National Bullying Prevention Month

Bullying and Cyberbullying: Definitions and Important Links (from

Captain Compassion: Bullying Prevention Superhero

Our Mission at Centervention

We believe that every student deserves an opportunity to be successful in the classroom and in life, but all too often, educators see students who can’t focus, don’t know how to manage their emotions, and have trouble interacting with peers. What we need are new tools to address these modern challenges.

At Centervention®, we provide online games to help students in grades K-8 improve social and emotional skills. These games are fun for students, automatically gather data so educators can monitor progress, and include supplemental lessons to reinforce learning. With Centervention, educators can meet students where they are, address their unique needs, and do so in a fun, effective way.

In addition to focusing on enhancing educational and life outcomes for all students, we are dedicated to improving diversity and inclusion within our own organization. As such, we strive to offer equal opportunity to people of all races, ethnicities, religions, genders, sexual orientations, gender identifications, abilities, incomes, marital statuses, ages, geographic locations, philosophies, and veteran statuses.