School Counseling

Personal Contact Info


Mr. Lou Bonaventura   MS, LPC

School Counselor – Grade 6

(203) 385-4292 ext. 5458 (voicemail)



 Weekly Schedule 2023-2024


Monday:  Nichols Elementary

Tuesday:  Second Hill Lane Elementary

Wednesday:  Lordship Elementary am./Eli Whitney Elementary pm.

Thursday:  Eli Whitney Elementary

Friday:  Second Hill Lane Elementary 

Important News

SPS Family Partnership Fair

August 19, 2023       11 am. until  4 pm.      Stratford High School

Grade 6 to 7 Orientation to Middle School Dates

Flood Middle School:  Thursday, April 27th, 2023  (6:00 pm. to 7:30 pm.)

Wooster Middle School:  Tuesday, May 23, 2023  (6:00 pm. to 7:30 pm.)

Internet Safety Presentation for Parents

---2023-2024 Elementary Open House Dates ---

Nichols:  Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023  (6:30 - 8:30 pm)

Second Hill LaneThursday, September 14th, 2023  (6 - 7:30 pm)

Eli Whitney:  Tuesday, September 19th, 2023  (6 - 7:30 pm) 

Lordship:  Tuesday, September 26th, 2023  (6 - 7:30 pm)

School Website Links

Our Goal Everyday in Stratford is to...