FIGHTER: A Boxing Story
1 X 60 Documentary Film - FORTHCOMING in 2020!
Fighter: A Boxing Story profiles Coach Darrell “Smitty” Smith, a 100% disabled Iraq War veteran, former Golden Gloves, and Army boxing champion whose no-nonsense gym reflects his will to fight through the pain of injury, disability, and Gulf-War Syndrome. Coach Smitty “founded the gym to rescue and many at risk kids as I can” from the crime and drug addiction that plagues his Midwest home-town. Smitty’s grit and determination to give back to the sport and his community provides the inspiration to his fighters to succeed in and out of the ring. In just six short years, Smitty’s Midwest Boxing Gym has produced Olympic hopefuls, Golden Gloves champions, and up and coming professionals, but more importantly for Smitty, high school graduates and college bound students with hope for the future, and along the way, the fighter found a reason to stay in the game.