Class Expectations

Class Behavior and management

Students will be given a sticker for following rules, helpful behavior, and other positive actions. When their sticker fills up, they will move on to the next sticker chart. Students can work to get the most sticker charts filled.

Our class will also have a class goal to fill a jar with rocks. Each time the whole class is doing well, I will give them a handful of rocks. When the container is filled, we will have a class party (extra recess, movie, etc.).

Homework policy

When homework is sent home, it is due the following morning. Students should turn in their completed homework when they arrive at school. Homework is used as a learning tool that helps students learn the lesson that was taught that day, as well as learn important time management and study skills. Please help in supporting your child in having adequate time to complete their homework and an environment that they can concentrate in to complete their work so that this will be turned in on time. Students will not miss recess the day of the assignment being incomplete, but will rather have the choice to complete during recess or taking their assignment home for homework. If they take the assignment home and return it incomplete/unattempted, they will then make this assignment up during recess time when they can have a teacher assist them to complete the work. Students will be making up incomplete classroom assignments as homework or during recess as it is important for students to understand that they must finish an assignment. This is starting good study habits for their future. Students who have been absent will be given more time depending on the amount of days they were absent. Students who have been absent are still required to complete missed school work.

A reading chart will be sent home as well for children to read at home. They will fill in the chart weekly and return this to school. A spelling list will come home with your child every week. We will also practice spelling words in class, but students are expected to continue spelling practice at home.

I will also send home addition and subtraction practice for your child. They will be given a time test weekly, as this is one of our state standards. Please support your child in their time addition and subtraction tests by helping them practice at home in addition to practicing at school.


Students will be given a spelling list at the beginning of the week and a spelling test at the end of each week. In 2nd grade, students are expected to be able to correctly use capital and lowercase letters. I will remind students and mark this on their spelling test the first couple of weeks, but after that, words will be counted wrong if there is a capital letter when it should be lowercase. We will also work on correct form of letters and letters facing the right direction.


Students will be given a time test in addition and subtraction throughout the school year. As part of the Missouri Learning Standards, students are to know addition and subtraction facts fluently up to the number 20. This means students should be able to answer 20 math facts in one minute. This is 3 seconds per math fact. We will be practicing this a lot in class. If a student does not answer the expected math facts at the beginning of the year, I do not want to cause a lot of alarm. I have seen students make huge strides throughout the school year with practicing at school and at home.

Our time tests will look like this: the first test will be addition of 1’s (1+1, 1+2, 1+3 and so on). Once your student passes this test, they can take the next test, adding with 2’s. They will have addition and subtraction tests that range from numbers 1 to 20. I will send out practice sheets for this as well.

In 2nd grade, students will learn to count to 1,000. This is also a state standard that students are expected to know how to do. I do not expect your child to be able to do this on day one. This is something we will practice throughout the school year. When they are “tested” on this, they will work in sections of 100. For example, their first test will be the write numbers 1-100. If they have a number wrong, I will mark the line that the incorrect number is in, and give them a chance to find the number and fix it on their own. If they do not find the number on their own, they will repeat the number during our next counting test. When a student has ever number correct, they will be able to advance to the next section, writing 100-200.


Students will have many opportunities to read in class. We will have multiple sections in class to read. This will include whole class reading, reading to self, and myself reading to students. As mentioned above, a reading checklist will be sent home for students to record their reading at home. In 2nd grade, students begin Accelerated Reader (AR). They will take a reading test on the computer that will calculate their reading level. This will determine which books they can read to complete reading quizzes on. Students are expected to read books in their level, and then take a quiz in class on the book. I will have them fill out a short book report to ensure they read the book, since they cannot retake a quiz on the same book. Depending on how many answers they get correct, they will receive points (a 100% quiz usual gives half a point). We will have a whole class goal to hit, and once the class all reaches the goal, we will have a reading party.