Latin Word of the Week

My Audio Recording 2020-03-13 PM 12-43-17.mp3

Latin word of the week: Nihil

This Latin word of the week is nihil. Nihil is the Latin word used to say nothing. It is used as an indeclinable noun, which means it has no declension. An example of nihil being used in a Latin phrase is "Nihil ceditur." meaning "Nothing is given up/yielded".

My Audio Recording 2019-12-20 AM 9-51-24.mp3

Latin Word of the Week: Sapere

The Latin word of this week is Sapere. Sapere is the Latin word used to say "to know". This word can be used as an infinitive. An example sentence would be Aude Sapere meaning “Dare to Know.”

Latin Word of the Week: Quidcumque

The Latin word of this week is quidcumque. Quidcumque is the Latin word used to say "whatever". This word can be used as a pronoun or an adverb. An example of this would be Quidcumque facias, Deo facias which means "Whatever you do, do for God."

My Audio Recording 2019-09-27 PM 12-56-51.mp3

Latin Word of the Week: Nullus

The Latin word of this week is nullus. Nullus is the word used to say “no” in Latin. The way you would use this word, nullus, is as an adjective. For example, Nulla avaritia sine poena est which means “No greed is without punishment”.