Grades 6-8 News

Celebrating the varsity boys´ Saints basketball team on 8th grade night!

Congratulations to Tristan G. for winning the Camden Catholic Academic Olympics!

Celebrating the varsity girls´ Saints basketball team on 8th grade night!

Dress Down Days - Who wouldn't be excited for these Dress Down Days?! Students talk about the cause for Dress Down Days and why they have them. There are specific colors and causes for each Dress Down Day.

Study Tips - Students share their best ways to study for upcoming quizzes and tests

Michelle tells us the best ways to study!

1. Write out your notes repetitively

2. Use index cards

3. Make tests for yourself

4. Use a song to remember information

5. Use abbreviations to remember more.

Nathan answered some questions about his daily schedual.

How do you feel about the schedule?

Nathan: I feel that we should have our specials more widespread. So we don't have to wait to have fun.

What is

Shane F. of 7th grade won the chess championship.