What We Believe

What we believe

As part of the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton, the Anglican Church of Canada, and the Anglican Communion, we are a community of people who’s individual beliefs represent a variety of positions.  

We are an inclusive and diverse Christian community, dedicated to loving others as Christ has loved us.   We affirm full inclusion of all in baptism, marriage, and lay and ordained leadership.

We understand the faithful life to be a journey, during which our individual beliefs can and often do shift, hopefully drawing us ever closer to the heart of God.

We affirm the ancient Christian creeds: Apostle’s, Nicene, and Athanasian 

We, with our diocese, work with the 5 marks of mission to guide the shape of our lives.

We take Scripture seriously, knowing that means reading it with an open heart for the work of the Holy Spirit and an open mind to the historical forces around the people who first told and wrote our sacred stories.

We are working to repent and build healthy relationships with our First Nations siblings whose perspectives have been silenced and censored on their lands.

You can learn more about common Anglican beliefs and explore other Anglican churches near us.