1. What needs of the College are being addressed by the Campus Enhancement Project?

The rooms will be bigger, brighter and larger (about 24% on average), allowing for a better learning environment, which is always our top priority.

2. What effect will this have on learning?

Teaching will not be in ‘desks and rows’ and classrooms are less rigid in set up. This should allow a more interactive and collaborative learning environment.

3. What does ‘focus on connectivity’ mean?

Focus on connectivity is primarily in two areas- physical connectivity and virtual connectivity. The new campus is a ‘hub’ interlinked and connected from the reception all the way through the school. Virtual connectivity means a ‘smart centre’ where areas of learning are interconnected through technology.

4. What is the cost of the project?

Phase I of the project will cost about HK$80M but the whole project is estimated to cost at least HK$400M.

5. Why is the cost so high for the project?

It isn’t. We have a limited space to work with. We have a great location but it needs an upgrade. To cater for our signature programmes of academics, music, sport, and global classroom, we need to re-orient our space using clever architectural and design technology. It’s expensive.

6. OK, who pays for this?

None of this can come from school fees or recurrent funding from the government. We have to source all of the capital costs ourselves without government assistance. Luckily there is no other school in Hong Kong that has as involved, engaged, and generous alumni, parents and friends as St. Paul’s.

7. And who are the groups responsible for fund raising?

The main focus group is the St. Paul’s College Foundation, and the Campus Enhancement Project Fund Raising Sub-committee is working with the Foundation to assist in, not surprisingly, fund raising!

8. When does it start?

Now. The Form 4 and 5 students have already been relocated to Form 6 and special classrooms so that the work can commence after the Easter holiday. All the Form 5 classrooms should be completed by August 2018. The rest of Phase I including F.1-F.4 Classrooms, Carpark, F.6 Classrooms, Music Rooms, Chapel, External Façade and Switch Room Relocation will be completed by August 2019. Then the School Administration and Reception Block work starts in July 2019.

9. Can students still use the lower playground and other campus facilities during Phase I of the construction?

Yes, certainly. Only the classrooms and a few special rooms will be affected. The lower playground is slightly reduced in size but can still be used for football matches by both students and alumni. Precautionary measures are all in place to ensure the safety of people using the playground.

10. When will it end?

Phase I is scheduled to be completed in August 2019. Then we will start phase 2, 3 and 4 if we have raised enough funds. The plan is for the whole project to be completed in December 2023. We expect that the process will take 5 years.

11. Why not shift the school to a greenfield or existing site while the work is going on? That would save time.

The school closely considered this option. The experience of other schools and the recommendations of professional bodies indicated that if we could stay in place and ‘work around’ the construction, it would be the preferred option.

12. What about environmental concerns? The costs of running the school is high financially and environmentally, aren’t they?

Yes, they are. The new classrooms will be larger, brighter, and lighter, and the climate control elements mean that we will use less power but with more efficiency. This will enable a more ‘clean and green’ campus?

13. What about the dangers of construction with 1100 plus students, teachers and staff around?

Construction work will be carried out during non-school hours and hoarding boards will be erected to fence off all working areas. Students will not be allowed to enter construction sites and clear warning signs will be posted.

Additionally, adequate lighting and ventilation will be maintained. The site will be inspected by the Buildings Department prior to construction and updated construction technology will be used to minimize dust and noise.

Finally the campus safety and cleanliness will be closely monitored by the Campus Improvement Team.

14. How can I find out more details?

Look at school website under Campus Enhancement project or you can contact us by sending an email to us at mail@spc.edu.hk.

15. OK. How can I help?

Thought that you would never ask!

Each parent, alumnus/alumna and friends’ group will be asked to help out in some way, whether in terms of a contribution or running an activity or serving on a team to help with the Campus Enhancement Project. Unity starts with ‘you’- please be the link in the chain that unites us all in this project!