The BIG Wrap-UP

Based on the work you have done, you can choose between these "wrap-up" projects:

    • Develop a 2-3 minute presentation about a career you are interested. The presentation should include the following information:

        • Description and responsibilities of the career.

        • Education/training that is required, and two places that it can be obtained.

        • How does this career fit with your skills and strengths?

        • What is the employment outlook for this career/job?

        • Why you think it is for you.

        • Your presentation will be taped using your iPad, then loaded into your Xello account StoryBoard.

    • Create a visual representation of your career exploration journey. This can be either digital or analog, as long as you can load the final project into your Xello account StoryBoard.

Teacher's Note:

Plan on using two to four class periods for this activity. Really depends on the size of your class, and how in-depth you want them to go.