
Welcome to the Oregano Crop Page! 

Scroll down to learn about some varieties, nutrition information, and more!


Origin: Greece

Features: Oregano plants can be woody or herb like and consists of multiple branching stems. The leaves are oval or round and are arranged alternately on the stems. Oregano plants produce small pink, purple or white flowers as well as small oval, brown fruits

Growing Conditions: Oregano is a plant that doesn't do well in frost and they love the sun, so be sure to plant your seeds in spring after any chance of frost coming back. Oregano grows great in containers, but can also grow nicely when planted in the ground.

Nutritional Value: Oregano has many health benefits. It provides many key nutrients to the human body. Oregano is an excellent source of vitamin K, which is an essential vitamin that helps regulate normal blood clotting. Since oregano has that essential vitamin it's said to be good for cancer patients to help with blood clots. Oregano assists in the body healing properly from injury. 

Nutritional Value

According to the USDA , 1 tsp of ground oregano has:

4.77 calories, 0.077 g fat, 0.162 g protein, 1.24 g carbohydrates 

Why should we add oregano to our diets?

Oregano is a good source of vitamin K with 11.2mcg in 1 tsp. It also contains vitamin C (0.041mg) and calcium (28.8g). 

What does this mean?

Use Harvard's Nutrition Source website to see what these nutrients do for our health and how much of each nutrient is recommended each day: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/

How to Use Oregano

Oregon can be used in a variety of dishes as either dried or fresh leaves. It helps to add Mediterranean flavor to your dishes. You can put oregano into bread or pizza dough for a herby flavor. It makes good pair with meats like beef, and chicken. Salad is also a way to eat fresh oregano leaves. 

Fun Facts

Oregano means Joy of the mountain in ancient Greek.

The ancient Greeks also believed that if you anoint yourself with oregano you will dream about your future spouse.