Wild Lupine


Horticultural Name
Lupinus perennis

Where these plants are found

Wild Lupine is found in sand hills, clearings and open woods. It is native to the northern and eastern parts of the country. Due to habitat loss, Wild Lupine is becoming increasingly rare. 

How it propagates

Wild Lupine produces seeds to propagate. When ripe, the seedpod explodes aiding in distribution. 

How are they important to pollinators and other animals

It is a host plant for the endangered Karner Blue butterfly, Eastern Tailed Blue, Queen Alexandra's Sulphur, Frosted Elfin, Wild Indigo Duskywing  and the Persius DuskyWing butterflies. Which eventually collect nectar from this plant. It's a good source of nectar for pollinators. 

Which pollinators are they good for

They help a variety of pollinators including native butterflies and hummingbirds.

Notable identifying features

It's easy to identify from its hundreds of colorful bulbs and pod like patterns all up its stem.

Fun Facts



Seed Head 

Here the pod has popped, releasing the seeds.