Topic 6 Ancient Greece

 The Greeks followed in the footsteps of older societies in Mesopotamia and Egypt in some respects, but established a powerful culture that had a lasting impact on the world.  Greek culture laid the foundation for Western civilization by introducing ideas that still influence us today in such areas as drama, philosophy, art, and political science.   When we talk about democracy or celebrate the Olympic Games, we're engaging with the culture of the ancient Greeks. 

Lesson 1 The Early Years of Greek Civilization

Geography helped foster the city-states in which Greek culture developed.

Lesson 2 Democracy in Athens

Athens developed democracy (rule by the people).  

Lesson 3 Oligarchy in Sparta

Sparta, a military state, was ruled by an oligarchy (rule by a small group).  

Lesson 4 Ancient Greek Society and Economic Expansion

Women's rights varied, depending on their city-states.  Daily life was shaped by a class system. 

Lesson 5 Warfare in Ancient Greece

Greeks united to fight Persia but then fought one another once more. 

Lesson 6 Ancient Greek beliefs and Arts

Greeks valued religion, sports, arts, and literature. 

Lesson 7 Ancient Greek Learning

Ancient Greece became the center of learning. 

Lesson 8 Alexander and the Hellenistic World

Philip of Macedonia and his son Alexander conquered Greece.  Alexander then extended the Greek empire through Europe, Asia, and Africa.