Current Brain Imaging Studies

Neuroinflammation in Depression:

CUBIT is examining the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) to reduce neuroinflammation and depressive symptoms. After a successful pilot study, we will be expanding this study to 50 participants with depression. We will quantify brain inflammation before and after treatment with brain imaging.

Circadian Rhythm Dysfunction in Depression:

CUBIT is running a clinical trial evaluating the use of sleep deprivation to temporarily relieve depressive symptoms. By comparing brain imaging of individuals with depression to those without depression, we will be able to study the potential therapeutic effects of this treatment.

Examining Memory as We Age:

CUBIT is using state-of-the-art brain imaging to study how memory is affected as we age. People 50 and over, with and without memory problems or Alzheimer’s disease, will receive brain imaging as well as follow-up assessments of memory over two years in order to understand the relationship between brain biology and memory.