Online Teaching with Continuous Improvement Initiative

The goal of this initiative is to improve student outcomes by reevaluating our current online course development process, developing our faculty and driving improvement with data driven decsions for course improvement.   

Part I:  New Online Course Development Process

Description of the revisions:   Firstly, the process is in a graphic organizer to help faculty understanding of the process and time commitment.  I added the meeting with Instructional Designers, design process and their approval of the course site.   I also call it a "course site" to imply that faculty are the authority of the materials but the Instructional Designers design the website of course materials for consumption and pedagogy.  This could help with faculty buy-in and resolve future conflicts.

Part IIChecklist for Creating an Equitable Learning Environment

Getting started

__ Turn off access to your course while you are building it

__ Set up your Profile with a picture of yourself and add hobbies/tagline in the space provided.

__Set up Notification settings


__ Add your students gradable activities:   Assignments, Quizzes/Exams, and Discussion boards with start and due dates either by creating new ones or importing them from previous courses.

__Set up Gradebook (points or weighted grades); ensure all gradable activities have a column in gradebook and are LINKED to each.

Create a Simple Navigation for Your Students

__ Add a module for your Syllabus

__Add Modules for each week of class.  Post readings and connect gradable activities to each week that students can start them.

Welcome and Guide Students into your course

__Create a simple Zoom recording of how to navigate your course

__ Post an announcement welcoming students and include the video.

Description of the revisions:   I created this document as a website so that it can be searched for and accessed any time.  On the checklist I added links to How To's.  This will allow faculty to start working on their course and understand what is expected for an online course for our institution.

Part IIIFaculty Development Plan -
Certificate Course

Sign up for the Asynchronous Teaching Online course: 

Description of the revisions:   This mandatory course should be done annually and can be done in shorter and shorter periods of time by  seasoned faculty.  It is designed to refresh faculty skills incrementally while making sure they are aware of any new policies.  Each of the 7 modules end with an assessment to check for learning.  This course will be refreshed either annually or as needed and model training and pedagogical activities.

Part IVEvaluation Plan

Description of the revisions:   Since we had no evaluation process at our institution all of this is brand new.  We will use Kirkpatrick's Model of Evaluation and Brinkerhoff's Success Case Method to evaluate faculty success.   Also revised is now this is a graphic organizer to help with expections and consumability.

Created by Nichole Gladky, 2023