
  1. A MS Word document consisting of following (one per team):
    • A one page description of your project -- what it does and how it does it? Include a hand-made sketch or a CAD drawing. Also, include your project title and team members name. And, a link to the youtube video (see below). This has to be typed in.
    • include several high-resolution photographs, but a minimum of three showing the completed prototype.
    • Design Sketches from all members; you can scan and add them
    • a bill of materials (BOM) in table form which lists all components, one component per line. Here is an example (include all the SnappyXO and Mechatronics kit parts that you use)

    • An electronic schematic of the circuits in your machine using Fritzing, an open-source program, which makes use of a nicely illustrated parts library to give the user a visual feel for how the circuit will look, as well as a proper schematic for each project. There is even an Arduino board available in the parts library for you to use in your schematics
    • A listing of the Arduino program code in 10 point Courier New font.
    • All Inventor drawings, if any (copy and paste)

2. Create a 60 seconds (no longer) video of your robot operating and post on YouTube. In the video name, include "MEC101 Stony Brook Machine Design Project Fall 2017". The video will be helpful in case judges could not see your machine operate as intended on the day of demonstration.

3. All the Arduino source files, Friting file (.fzz) and all drawings in native inventor format (.ipt).

Under your submission in comments section, put down the url of your youtube video and a google folder link to the Arduino and Inventor files.

In addition, do not forget to complete the Peer-Evaluation form at link to google form to be posted later on.

Helpful Hints

1. It is important that you plan the whole project well in advance with set milestones. If you don't plan, you will find it difficult to finish the project. There will be programming problems, there may be delays due to the fact that a part you were planning on using died, files were not laser-cut properly, or your prototype does not behave as intended.

2. If you get stuck, ask questions at piazza.

3. It's preferable to divide the project in small, manageable tasks, so that you continue to gain confidence as you progress through the project.