Stonington Public Schools strives to provide all students with equitable opportunities in an inclusive, learning community that respects and appreciates the diversity of its members.
At SPS we
Create opportunities for staff development around identity and cultural sensitivity.
Build a community that values reflection and promotes understanding of and respect for our differences.
Continually revisit policies, practices and programming to ensure they value and represent all voices and perspectives.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion In Our Schools
Stonington Middle School Witness Stones Project: Commemorating Cato Cuff
Read-Alouds at the Elementary Schools
National Hispanic Heritage Month Digging for Words read by Mrs. Butler (Superintendent)
National Disability Awareness MonthWe Move Together read by Mrs. Toole (Special Education Teacher)
National American Indian/Alaska Native Heritage Month We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga read by Mrs. Stripling (Finance Director)
African American History Month The World Belonged to Us read by Ms. Washington (Paraprofessional)
Nigel and the Moon read by Mr. Damien Rearson (West Vine St. School Principal) & Aiden Reardon (Mr. Reardon's son)
National Women’s History Month Ambitious Girl read by Ms Dawe, Mrs. Brucoli, Ms McCurdy, & Ms Irvine (Principals)
National Arab American Heritage Month The Arabic Quilt read by Mr. Rajab (BOE Chairman)
National Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month. Eyes That Speak to the Stars read by Ms Sun (Paraprofessional)
According to the BOE resolution, The Gilbert Baker Rainbow Flag, seen below, is approved for classroom display. Administration will monitor the appropriateness and the reasonableness of the flag displays.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Silver People- 2021. Promise of Change- 2020 Inside Out and Back Again-2019 & 2024Booked-2018 & 2022All of the Above- 2017
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion In Action
Conversations from the Classroom to the Coastline
Stonington Public Schools has launched a podcast series entitled, Conversations from the Classroom to the Coastline. The series high-lights Stonington’s inspiring educators and students, award-winning programs, current challenges, and unique community partner-ships. Learn more about the district beyond what is covered in school newsletters and the Board of Education’s monthly meetings. The podcasts are available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, and on the SPS podbean webpage.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Resources
Resources for Families
The Freedom Forum, 8/20/2020, Mystic Seaport Museum
Resources for parents:
Raising White Kids (Jen Harvey) -- article here: 'Raising White Kids' Author On How White Parents Can Talk About Race
Books to Teach White Children and Teens How to Undo Racism and White Supremacy