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Practicing the Spiritual Discipline of Fasting: Resources and Perspectives (Greg McKinzie)
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Tips for Strong Relationships During a Crisis Nathan Jernigan
MP3 Archive (Aug 2019 - current)
Blogs and Websites
Rejoice in the Lord...sometimes?!
Jon McPeters December 27, 2020Jon reads Ronnie Wilson's Gift by Francis Chan aloud and connects it to Paul's words in Philippians 4:2.Jon McPeters December 20, 2020Luke 2:1-35 DBSJohn: The one who is preparing the way for the Messiah
Jon McPeters December 13, 2020Malachi 4, Luke 1:57-80 DBSJon McPeters December 6, 2020Luke 1 DBSJ. KingDon't miss the opportunity in front of you. Luke 7:11-17, Acts 8:1, 4-8Prayer & Listening to the Holy Spirit
Jon McPeters November 15, 2020We continue our journey in disciple-making by looking at the beginning of Acts.
What to do (and what not to do)
Jon McPeters November 8, 2020As a church, we examined Luke 10 and looked for things that it tells us to do, and things not to do. View NotesJon McPeters November 2, 2020
We rapid-fire examine several passages with the intention of pulling out how each passage applies to disciple making. View Notes
Who has the Power to Make Disciples?
Jon McPeters October 25, 2020Jon continues the discussion on discipleship. We don't have to do this alone. View NotesJon McPeters October 18, 2020 View NotesJon McPeters October 11, 2020
Can you study so much that it's paralyzing? View NotesJon McPeters October 4, 2020
Matthew 28; Act 10Sean Steckbeck September 27, 2020
Do you desire your own comfort more than the return of the Lord?Things aren't normal, and they won't be.Eyes on the skies.
Plundering the Enemy's Kingdom
Jon McPeters September 20, 2020Luke 11:14-26Jon McPeters September 13, 2020
The true bread from Heaven. There will be enough for you. Will you trust Me?Jon connects Jesus as the bread of Heaven back to the manna in the Ark of the Covenant.Jon McPeters September 6, 2020
You've Come Too Far to Give Up Now
Travis Duke August 30, 2020Jon McPeters August 23, 2020The Table, The Lampstand, & Altar of Incense
Jon McPeters August 16, 2020Some Cool Stuff About a Temple
Jon McPeters August 9, 2020What if we said, ""I consecrate it all to YOU."" How would that impact your today? To view the video that is played during the lesson, view it here: Jon McPeters August 2, 2020
Hebrews 8. Jesus is HERE. Holy Spirit is HERE. We are the temple of the living God, and we are called to minister unto him.
A day in the life of your priesthood.
Jon McPeters July 26, 2020Did you know that you’re a priest?! Jon McPeters takes us to 1 Peter 2:4-10 and talks about how gentiles were grafted into a priesthood. To view the video that is played during the lesson, view it here:
DBS | Matthew 5:27-48
June 14, 2020 View NotesJon and Justin share a bit about their trip to Israel. Then Jon talks about when God spoke to Elijah
God Works a Miracle Every Single Day
Ben Austin February 16, 2020It's Not About Saying the Magic Words
Jon McPeters February 9, 2020The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. (James 5)Constantly in Prayer (Acts 1:12-14)Jon McPeters February 2, 2020
It's ""Discover Bible Study"" Sunday! We're taking a look at Psalm 96 and asking a few questions to discuss as a church.Jon McPeters January 26, 2020Jon McPeters January 19, 2020
1 Cor. 14:26-33 Jon McPeters January 5, 2020
2 Peter 3:3-9; Matt 28:16-20View notes:
Why aren't you listening?Jon McPeters December 1, 2019
1 John 5:1-12View Notes: Jon McPeters November 24, 2019
1 John 4:7-21View Notes: Jon McPeters November 17, 2019
"His commandments are not a burden but rather liberating!Together we read 1 John 3 and discuss what this passage says about God and people. View Notes: Jon McPeters November 10, 2019
Together we read 1 John 3 and pulled out things that we heard about God and things we learn about people. View our notes at
He's Legit...Too Legit to Quit
Jon McPeters November 3, 2019The auditorium is grouped into small circles of chairs! Jon reads 1 John 2 15-29 and asks each group to re-read and discuss: what do we learn about God? and what do we learn about people? From there, each group reports out.
Repeat Stuff, Repeat Stuff...We Need It
Jon McPeters October 27, 2019Jon McPeters October 20, 2019Jon McPeters October 13, 2019How do you come alive? Try loving others. We wrap up the discussion on "One Anothering" this week. Philippians 1:27 Jon McPeters October 6, 2019Jon McPeters September 22, 2019
We looked at three passages for times when the phrase "another" is used. Romans 12:9-16, Colossians 3:9-17, James 5:9-16.
Be merciful to the wicked? What?!
Jon McPeters September 15, 2019Jon walks us through the scripture where Jesus washes His disciples feet in John 13.Jon McPeters September 8, 2019
Hebrews 12bJon McPeters September 1, 2019Jon McPeters Aug, 25, 2019
Jon takes us through the story of Adam and Eve and connects it to the relationship we have with Jesus.Jon McPeters Aug 18, 2019
Jon McPeters finishes our journey through the book of Hebrews.Bruce Thweatt Aug 11, 2019
Can't find which lesson that you're looking for?
Contact Kyle and try to give a time frame, speaker name and general topic if available.