Playlists / Hyperdocs


Playlists are curated lists, usually in Docs, that are organized by subject, grade, or skill. This is a very simple, easy-to-create and easy-to-use way of sharing resources with students. It is useful for small-group instruction or differentiation. A whole-class playlist is an option, or one can be created per student based on that student's needs.



A twist on the old WebQuest, a HyperDoc is an interactive Google Doc (or Site/Slide) that allows students to explore, search, question, apply, and create using a Google Doc, Site, or Slide template to organize information. This is an adaptable format that is great for any age, curricular focus, or skill. Can be used interchangeably with Playlists. Check out the information here for more about what a HyperDoc is, and then check out some of the examples:

Examples (not shared with permission; examples/idea gathering only):