

Flipgrid is a "social learning" application that is a bit like Instagram, Snapchat, and Google Classroom combined. It allows students to create and customize their own video content, and allows teachers to connect with students and families. Teachers can set up assignments, spaces for students to share their content and responses, and guide students to explore discussion topics and playlists. It's great for discussions, book reviews, building digital portfolios, presentations, and much more.

How To ?

Teachers create a "grid", which is a central meeting place for a specific class or group. Within a grid, topics can be posted and customized for different curricular goals or projects. The settings are also changeable and can be adjusted for each type of topic/assignment. Students post response videos related to a prompt or learning goal, and can interact with one another and with the teacher.

Noteworthy Features

There are a myriad of other nuanced features that teachers and students can use within Flipgrid.

  • Guest Mode - Teachers can invite outside speakers (authors, scientists, etc) to create their own response videos and engage with the class.

  • Learning on the Go - As there are mobile versions of Flipgrid, students can participate in "field work", recording their responses and content videos outside of their homes and classrooms.

  • Customizable for Creativity - Teachers and students can add all sorts of graphics and effects to their response videos, personalizing the experience and augmenting the multimedia aspects of Flipgrid.

Tutorial Videos & Other FG Resources
