Victoria M.

The Truth Behind The Banana.


This photo shows how the banana looked like when ripe in the normal room temperature, without a preservation technique.

This photo shows how the banana looked when it was beginning to rot. This shows stage 4 in the banana ripeness stage.

This photo shows how the black spots looked like and where they were on the banana.

This photo shows how the avocados looked like after a few days. We can see that they are black and soft. This means they are ready to be eaten.

This photo shows how the banana looked like after being put to be freezed. We can see that there are a lot of brown spots and they are all over the banana.

This photo shows how the banana looked like at the tip/end of the banana. We can see it is turning black and has the black part spreading, beginning to go to the rest of the banana.

This photo shows how the bananas looked like when put to be freezed. We can see they all have dark spots around the banana.


I would like to thank my mom for buying all the materials needed for this project, my sister for helping me set up my experiment, and Ms. Swytnyk for checking each step of my science fair project. Their help was very helpful and very appreciative!

All About Me!

Hello! My name is Victoria Merlavska and I am in 8th grade. A few of of my hobbies are playing volleyball, tennis, and iceskating. Ironically, one of favorite fruits are bananas. For my project, I experimented the affect on bananas on the ripening on other fruits/preservation techniques. I really enjoyed this project and recommend others to try it as well!