Julian F.

Can the Air Compare?

Science Fair Final Document
Julian Fuoco Science Project FINAL.mp4

Above is the word document for my Final Document. To the right is the PDF document for my Final Document. The graphs are clearer in the PDF document than in the Word Document.

Science Fair Final Document_Julian Fuoco.pdf

Here are the graphs for all the trials.

Trial 1

These graphs represents the data from all of the trial 1 tests. They all show that the MERV 13 box filter configuration filtered out the most particulate after the fan ran for an hour.

Trial 2

These graphs represents the data from all of the trial 2 tests. They all show that the MERV 13 box filter configuration filtered out the most particulate after the fan ran for an hour.

Trial 3

These graphs represents the data from all of the trial 3 tests. They all show that the MERV 13 box filter configuration filtered out the most particulate after the fan ran for an hour.

This is the table for the velocity of the different air purifiers.

This is the table for percent difference of the air purifiers.

All About Me!

Hi, my name if Julian Fuoco and I am in 7th grade. I am 12 years old (9 days from 13 as of February 3). I enjoy science and math. I chose this project because I saw that the classrooms had commercial air purifiers and there were DIY air purifiers in the hallways. I was interested in how they compared and if the DIY air purifier units were as effective as the commercial units. As I began my research, I realized that the DIY units may be a more cost effective option for making clean air available to the public.