Grade 4


Fourth-grade students at St. Thomas More School have been given a unique challenge: to employ their creativity and technological skills in 3D designing the campus of their school as it might exist in the year 2061.

Armed with an array of digital tools and guided by their imaginative faculties, these young innovators are crafting physical structures and envisioning a futuristic educational landscape.

The project not only introduces them to the world of 3D design but also encourages them to consider how technology, sustainable practices, and innovative learning spaces might shape the future of their school.

Through this immersive experience, the students are embracing cutting-edge technology while developing problem-solving abilities and a forward-thinking mindset that will undoubtedly serve them well in the years to come!


This Lesson will begin in March, 2022

This lesson will involve your students in geometry and measurement as they work as civil engineers to design and build their own bridge.


Students will be able to: 


Elmer's Foam board, Popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, bendable rods, Elmer's Glue All, paper, pushpins, weights

Engineering a Bridge PDF 


Content Introduction 

When engineers design a bridge, they must consider how the bridge will be used, how long and wide it should be, and how much weight it has to hold. There are four main types of bridges: 

Essential Questions 

Use these essential questions to help guide students' thinking: 


Type of bridges: beam, truss, arch, suspension

Additional vocabulary: arch, beam, deck, column, fixed arch, footing, portal, strut

Introduction (5-10 minutes) 

Explain to students that they are going to be engineers today as they design their own bridges. 

Show students various bridges. What do they all have in common? What are some differences? Which bridge is the strongest? Look at the shapes that are used to construct each bridge. Which shape is the strongest? Which is the weakest? Why might you use each type of shape to build a bridge?


Craft Component: Bridge Engineering (20 minutes) 





Structural Test (5-10 minutes)

Have each group present their bridge and test it using increasingly heavy weights. As each group presents their bridge, students discuss which elements of bridge construction they incorporated and why.

Whiteboard Component Activities 


Index of famous bridges: 

PBS webography of bridges: