St. Michael's CE VA Primary School

Inspiring and empowering since 1818

Apton Road, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire. CM23 3SN

Headteacher: Miss Rachel Griffiths

General Enquires: Mrs K. Clark and Mrs B McCarthy


Tel: 01279 652607

School hours: 8.40: Gates open 

  8.45am: Registration

3.15pm: End of school day

Join Our St Michaels' Family

Our official tours have aleady taken place however we are happy to offer bespoke tours. Please contact the school office to arrange a time to come and visit. 

Tel: 01279 652607


PR Video 1 draft.mp4

Changes to our Nursery admissions

St.Michael’s Nursery is now accepting children to start nursery at the beginning of the term after they have turned three.

This means that a child who turns three in either the Autumn or Spring term would be able to start our nursery class earlier rather than have to wait until the beginning of September as was previously the case.

This means:

A child who turns three between 1st September and 31st December 2023 can start in the Nursery Class from the beginning of the Spring term 2024.

A child who turns three between 1st January and 31st March 2024 can start Nursery Class from the beginning of the Summer term 2024.

This does mean that these children will spend longer than three terms in the Nursery Class as they would not be entitled to a Reception place until the September after they have turned four (September 2024).

It is important to note, as is clearly specified in the Reception Admissions Policy, that attendance at St Michael’s nursery class does not guarantee a place in St Michael’s reception class. An application for the reception class for any child in nursery class would be made through the usual admissions process as stated in the school’s admissions policy for reception intake.

Please contact the school office for all nursery applications. 

Wraparound provision

As a school, we run our our wraparound care from 7.30am to 6.00pm each weekday throughout the school term. For further details about this provision, check out our wraparound care page:

 There is no waiting list for our wraparound care and the sessions are run by our own trained staff.

For further details of our all day Nursery provision please click below:

St Michael's Primary School Nursery Provision 

Our Nursery is open Monday - Friday from 08:40 - 15:15. You can use your 15 free funded hours at any time. All children can stay all day whether funded with the 30 hour code or self funded. For further details on whether you are eligible for 30 hours free childcare funding please see the following website:

Once places are offered then the school will send out an additional form for you to complete outlining the provision you would like.

For applying for a space in our school Reception for the academic year 2023-24 then please follow the following link to the Herts County Council admissions page:                                                                                  

Take a look at our school website to find out more about our thriving school and our 'Outstanding' (OFSTED 2019) EYFS. For further details about applying for our school nursery then please contact our admissions management on 01279 652607 or via email

Spaces still available in Nursery for 2023 - 2024 (DOB range 1/9/2019 to 31/8/2020) please contact the school office for more information. 


Welcome to St. Michael's CE VA Primary School - making a difference since 1818.

 “…and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” 

(Ephesians 3:19) 

My name is Miss Rachel Griffiths and I am immensely proud to be Headteacher at this inspiring school. 

Each and every day I feel a great sense of pride of our community of children, parents and staff and how we strive to ensure all children make the most of their abilities. We follow a growth mindset approach to developing each child and offer an incredibly diverse and rich curriculum in which each child can excel. Our children are incredibly happy at school and hugely enjoy learning.

We take a holistic approach to the education of our children and during their time with us they make excellent academic progress. But the outcomes we achieve are much more far reaching than this; we also place great emphasis on developing the whole child through focusing on good manners, honesty, showing respect, cooperation and collaboration, taking responsibility for themselves and others, doing the right thing, being kind and generally being good people and good citizens. St.Michaels is committed to providing an all-round excellent primary education which is rooted in such fundamental British values as: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. This is all done in keeping with the school's distinctive Christian character. It is wonderful to see our children flourishing and thriving during their time at school.

We have a highly skilled and cohesive staff team who always put our children first and strive for excellence in everything they do. We have a positive, ‘growth mindset’ attitude and adopt a solution-focused approach to overcome obstacles and enable all children and adults to achieve their full potential. We encourage children to be confident, independent learners, who understand that achieving success requires effort, practice and perseverance and that making mistakes is an essential part of the learning process.

As a school we are forward thinking and are always looking for ways to improve through training, learning from best practice, partnership working and constantly reflecting on what we do as we improve child outcomes.

Our focus is on meeting the individual needs of every child to ensure they develop the skills they need to reach their full potential and be ready for secondary school. We encourage parents / carers to be involved in their children’s learning as much as possible, and to work in partnership with us for the benefit of their children.

Visitors often comment on the positive atmosphere in the school and particularly how well-behaved, happy, and hard-working our children are. Being a church school, means any decision made comes from a place of love for the whole child. We are a school for families with a Christian faith, different faiths and also those with no faith who encourage our children to be outward looking but reflective, knowledgeable and curious. 

I am immensely proud of what we do here. Please take a look around our website to find out more or come along to explore the school in action for yourself.

Miss Rachel Griffiths


Please report any safeguarding concerns to

Navigating the site

Check out our website by using the tabs across the top or the following links for information on the following:

News and Events Page: Includes our fortnightly newsletters, the school diary, sports and science blogs

Our Church School page: Includes St.Michaels Church, collective worship, values education, our school prayer, our staff team and governing body, the school vision and aims, SEND, our link school in Uganda, mental health and well-being, anti-racism as well as vacancies within the school and other details about our approaches to learning.

Statutory information: Admissions, results/performance, polices, pupil premium and Sports Premium as well as inspection reports.

Parents: New into foundation stage, remote and home learning opportunities, term dates, school meals, family support, wrap-around care, PTA, clubs, absence, internet safety, school uniform as well as general information and advice, medical information and forms

Curriculum Information: An overview of the curriculum at our school for each subject area alongside knowledge organisers that offer specific information about each curriculum area's content. 

Google Translate: We are really fortunate to have speakers of over 17 different languages at our school! We use Google Translate to help us understand different languages in the classroom. Here is the link, so you can try it yourself: Click here to try Google Translate!

Families First Portal

This is a directory of organisations, services and groups in Hertfordshire that can help you with problems you or your family may be facing, before things might get worse. This is known as 'Early Help'.

You may not want or need to ask for help from a professional and there's lots of support you can find yourself by looking on the portal.

Our school has worked towards being GDPR compliant.