Art Class Rules
In art you will learn about a variety of artists, art movements, and cultures. You will learn how to use the art elements (line, shape, form, value, color, space, & texture) and art principles (balance, unity, variety, proportion, emphasis, pattern, rhythm, & movement) to make a work of art. You will explore the artistic process, plan, create, reflect, and present. We will discuss ways to begin a project, explore a variety of art mediums and techniques. You will learn how to reflect on your own art and how to critique the work of others.
Classroom Rules
Always be respectful to the teacher, other students, the art materials, art classroom and artwork.
R ememeber to listen closely to directions, raise your hand to speak, and make smart choices.
Talk with an inside voice, absolutely no talking when the teacher is speaking or a student is called on.
Classroom Expectations
Come to class prepared, open-minded, ready to listen, learn, and create every class.
If you make a mistake, make it great.
Bring your planner and necessary materials to class.
Stay focused on your work and use your time wisely.
All work is generally completed in class but if you are unable to finish your assignment in the time allotted or are sick it is YOUR responsibility to complete your assignment on your own time.
Most work is done in class but homework is sometimes necessary.
Late work is accepted until the end of the trimester.
Grades are posted on Option C for grades 4-8. Check it occasionally to make sure you are not missing anything.