

As part of our fractions learning, we had to sort them into a Venn diagram. We decided on our own criteria and then put them into the correct groups. It was interesting looking how everyone sorted them.


In our topic on time we have been learning about quarter past and quarter to as well as looking at how to tell the time to 5 minute intervals. It was super tricky at times and we had to keep remembering which hand was the minute hand and hour hand.

Multiplication and division

To start out multiplication and division topic in maths we learn all about arrays. We learnt about columns and rows and that the rows (or groups) need to be equal. We then went on to apply this in the context of worded problems and arithmetic questions.


We have started our learning on different types and collecting data to put into our tables. Sprout our elf had a bit of a mix up with lots of Christmas pictures and he asked us to sort them into an organised pictogram for him and then answer some questions about it. It was a really fun maths lesson.

Week 4

 We used all of our learning about measuring with a ruler to help us to work out the length of a mystery line. We had to work together to find out if it is was an addition or subtraction problem, solve the problem and then draw the line accurately. 

Autumn 2 - Week 3

We have been completing our topic on measuring for the last couple of weeks. We learnt how to use a ruler to measure accurately in centimetres, making sure we were holding the ruler the correct way round, measuring from the 0 and reading the length properly. We measured different items around the room before moving onto drawing lines using a ruler.

Week 6

We have been applying our knowledge of tens and ones to help us add and subtract 2 two-digit numbers. We have also been using our known facts to make it even easier - this is why our big maths is so important!

Week 4

We looked at applying our knowledge of tens and ones to compare numbers using the greater than and less than signs.

Week 2 

We have continued with our learning about tens and ones this week . We were set a challenge to see how many different ways we can partition 68.

Week 1 

We have started our place value learning this week. We have been looking at 2-digit numbers and thinking about the value of each digit. We used diennes and place value charts to show the numbers.