GUIDELINES for conference presenters

Your session Chair will contact you with details about your session's format and schedule. Please arrive 10 minutes early to make sure you have time to copy your slides from your pendrive onto the computer. Please figure out your wifi connection and download everything you need in advance.

WIFI info


Thank you to Teodóra Dömötör for developing this list of grant opportunities!

AHEA has its own presentation grants (deadline closed in February) as well as two more research awards (deadline May 15, see homepage).


Thank you to Zsolt Máté for compiling this list! Feel free to explore these archives and possibly extend your trip to include a visit before or after the conference. In some cases, the archives themselves offer funding for research, in other cases it might be useful to include archival work in your conference trip to increase your chances of getting funding from your own institution. 

Archives and other collections