1. Scholastic books can be ordered this year. You can send the order in with your child or order online using your child's homeroom teacher's code, if interested. This is not mandatory of course.

2. The children should come to school with a water bottle each day as there are no water fountains only refill stations. 

3. Please sign up to receive both 5th-grade teachers' Remind messages no matter whose homeroom your child is in this year.. The link is on my Home page and my Announcements page.

4. The Sign-up Genius for conferences will be posted soon. You only need to meet with your child's homeroom teacher. If you have a concern that needs to be discussed with another teacher, then feel free to sign up for a conference with that teacher also. If there are no time slots available that are convenient for you, please email your child's teacher and we will make sure to get a date/time that works with your schedule.  I ask that your child please attend the conference with you.

5. Every child will participate in the 40 Book Challenge in ELA, but there is no punishment for not reaching the goal. It is simply a challenge presented to try to help your child develop a love of reading. I ask that you please encourage your child to read as much as possible at home. If they do not have a library card, please take them to your local library to get one. We have wonderful libraries in Delaware County!

6. Behavior Calendars will begin the week of 9/18. The calendars should be signed on Wednesday evenings only if your child has received a code that week.

7. Achieve articles will be assigned in ELA class on Fridays. They will be due the following Thursday evening no later than 9:00 p.m. I average the 1st try and 2nd try scores. I will take the grades for 5 articles that I choose randomly. They are counted in the homework grade under reading. The before and after poll and the activity should be completed for each article unless otherwise instructed. Your child should be doing these articles independently. He or she may not get answers from anyone at home.

8. If your child is bringing a cell phone to school, it must be turned off and docked in a designated area. Your child must remember to pick it up at the end of each day. They are not permitted to be on the phone at all while in the school building.

If you have any other questions at all, feel free to email me. If you'd like me to call you to discuss something, I would be more than happy to do that.

Here is the link to our "Back to School Night" presentation. Please view it before the meeting on Thursday evening.
