Theme Week in Pre-K!

Monday, June 3rd-Friday, June 7th

To celebrate our last week together, 

we will countdown each day with a fun theme!

Monday: WATER DAY!  

We will beat the heat with fun water games and activities outside.  Regular uniform for the day, but you can send in an extra uniform if needed.  Don’t forget to send your child to school wearing sunscreen as we will be outside longer than normal.

Tuesday: FIELD  DAY!

Today we will have our own Pre-K Field Day.  We will venture outside again and play some organized games and activities together.  Your child should wear their St. 

Mary’s Spirit shirt for this day…and sunscreen. A  BIG thank you to our homeroom parents for organizing this fun-filled day of surprises!!

Wednesday:  GAME DAY!

Your child may bring in their favorite board/card game to play with a friend or two.  This is a great way to have fun and share something you love to do with others.  

Thursday: AWARDS DAY!

Today we will celebrate your little one's special gifts and talents they have shared with us throughout the year. They may be coming home with some exciting things to share with you.  Be sure to ask them about it after school!

Friday: LAST DAY!

Can you believe it?!  Please drop off your child at school at the regular time wearing their “Sunday Best” (be mindful of safe shoes as they will be climbing the stage steps).  Send them ONLY with a DRY snack.  Do NOT send backpacks or water bottles.  We will provide water. 

 Our ceremony will begin at 10:30. There will be time for a group picture during the show.  Once our program is complete, students will process out to the back of the gymnasium as part of the program. Students know they need to remain in the back of the gym with their class and teachers until they are dismissed.  Families are then invited to stay and enjoy a picnic lunch by the Pre-K playground with their families and friends.  It’s a BYO-L (Bring Your Own Lunch.) 

Let’s have a fantastic last week!

Dear Parents, 

It’s hard to believe, but Friday, June 7th is our last day!  We will celebrate with our End of Year Show at 10:30 am in the gym. Students should arrive at school at the regular time, dressed in nice summer clothes. Our girls can wear a nice sundress, and for our boys, nice shorts and a polo or other short-sleeved shirt.  They will NOT need a school bag or water bottle on that last day, since they will leave with you after our program.  Only a DRY snack is needed.  We will provide water.

Any family or friends who are attending the show are asked to be in their seats by 10:25 so that our students can process down the center aisle without disruption.  Once our program is complete, students will process out to the back of the gymnasium as part of the program. Students know they need to remain in the back of the gym with their class and teachers until they are dismissed.  

Family and friends are all invited to stay and enjoy a picnic lunch outside by the Pre-K playground with their children.  It will be a  BYO-L (Bring Your Own Lunch.) Families are encouraged to hang out and celebrate the end of a fun year with their little ones and friends, weather permitting, with a picnic lunch and play together one last time.  We ask that you kindly keep your party to the Pre-K area so that children in grades K-8 can continue with their recess times as scheduled.

Thank you all for a wonderful year with your children!  We can’t wait to see you at our End of Year Show!

Your Pre-K Team,

Mrs. Boyle, Mrs. Lake, Miss Huhn, and Mrs. Weinstock