BACH gave us God's Word

MOZART gave us God's laughter

BEETHOVEN gave us God's fire.

GOD gave us music that we might pray without words.

"Celebrating spiritual growth while providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment" 

Welcome to Music!

Message from Mrs. Schultz:  

Hello and welcome to my new website!  I hope that you will find it a useful tool to assist you in keeping informed of our Fine Arts happenings. Throughout the year, some things will change weekly while others may remain the same. Please also view the  menu at top of the page for additional important information. 

Thank you for visiting my website! Have a fabulous day!! 

God Bless,

Mrs. Schultz

Music Activities

Choir Information

National Anthem - SOPRANO 

National Anthem - ALTO 

Save the Date:  Fine Arts Night - Thursday, April 25, 2024; 6-8pm

4K - 5K Curriculum

4K and 5K music classes focus on distinguishing between Musical Opposites: loud/soft, high/low, fast/slow.  We will complete many singing, movement and instrumental activities which will help to develop their note literacy comprehension.

1st - 2nd Grade Curriculum

1st Grade will review their Musical Opposite concepts and then begin to focus on reading and performing rhythms using eighth, quarter, half and whole notes.  Later on in the year we learn the notes of the scale and singing solfege during an interactive unit called Music Street.

2nd Grade will review old and learn new note values before they plunge into reading, performing and composing!  Then they continue their solfege adventures in Music Street.  Finally, they are introduced to the four families of the orchestra.

3rd - 5th Grade Curriculum

3rd Grade will review and be introduced to some new note values.  They will also learn about Time Signatures.  This will lead nicely into our Native American Rhythmic Composition Unit. Later, they partake in a Harmonic Singing Unit.  This unit strengthens the solfege skills learned in 1st and 2nd grade and prepares them for reading notes on the staff as well as future ensemble opportunities (band and choir).  

4th & 5th Grade will focus on new note values, syncopation, as well as simple vs. compound meter.  This prepares them for the rhythmic element of instrumental playing.  Later they learn the correct techniques, fingerings and notes of the recorder.  We will also be learning a set of vocal and recorder pieces which will be performed with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra during our field trip in the spring.

Middle School Curriculum

6th Grade: We begin the year with a short unit on the Sung Parts of the Mass ~ emphasizing the importance of music in the liturgy.  This is followed by a unit on the Composers and the Periods of Music History.  At the end of the year they acquire the skills needed to play melodies and chords on the ukulele.  For those students who have a ukulele at home, below are the links to two online tuners which I highly recommend:

Due to Covid we will be working on a composition unit during the second semester using an online notation program called Noteflight.  Here is the login page for this site: 

7th Grade: We take a look at the tonal structure of music (scales; chords; major/minor) while simultaneously exploring Blues Music.  After focusing on the chords and mood of this unique genre the students will create and perform their very own blues song.  During the third quarter 7th grade will apply their knowledge of scales, tonality and the treble and bass clefs and begin to work on their composition skills.  We will be using an online notation program called Noteflight. 

Finally, 7th grade ends the year by learning the basics of the guitar.

8th Grade: Together we explore the origin stories of some unique songs which introduce us to the idea of

The students then get to choose one of their favorite songs and discover its origins.  Next, we learn about the history and evolution of rap music.  They will conclude the unit by writing and performing a group rap for the class.  We end the year with a unit all about movie music, Foley Artists and movie composers.  This unit includes a class project in which the students add sound effects and music to a short animated movie.  The unit ends with each student composing a sound track using Noteflight, an online composition site.