Scratch 3 Explore Project

This assignment was about exploring Scratch 3. I made Very Scuffed (Isn't made so well) Boss Fights inspired by Undertale (by Toby Fox). My project was pretty straight forward; all the project really is, is an encyclopedia of broadcast messages. The main problem I had was trying to make a fight where you had to block arrows with a shield, and I overcame it by scrapping the entire fight. I chose my project because I've seen/played games like this on Scratch and played the original game, and I wanted to make something like it.

If you want to run my project, it's name is Very Scuffed Boss Fights.

You can also click on the image to run my project!

I liked this assignment, but I feel like I would've liked it more if there was no time limit. I think Scratch 3 is a decent upgrade form Scratch 2, but can still be upgraded more. An example is taking out the clone limit and improving the "If sprite touches another sprite," sensing.