Assignment and Projects

Here are 2 projects we will be working on this year.

I will post the due dates when they get closer.

My Special Number Poster

Information to be included in the poster....

Why you chose the is special to you because________________

3 Mathematical Facts about your number.....6+6=12.....there are 12 items in a dozen....12 is an even number

Connections you have to your number....I was born in the 12th brother is 12 years old....I have 12 people on my team

You may decorate the poster with marker, crayon, stickers or any other items you can get to stick to the poster board! Be creative, make it neat and be ready to share!!

Book Project

Choice 1: Letter to the author writing your opinion of the book-did you like it? Did you not like it? Why or Why not? You may also include questions or any other thoughts you have in regards to the story. Your letter should be at 4-6 second grade quality sentences. I will provide the paper for your letter.

Choice 2: Create a puppet of the main character and write a paragraph describing the main character and what role he or she played in the story. Your paragraph should be at least 3-5 sentences. I will provide the paper.

Choice 3: Create a poster about your book. It should include the Title, characters, setting and several things regarding the plot (short summary) You may also print out pictures to put on your poster. If you do not have poster board...get creative:)


I cannot wait to see your projects!!