Latvia Mission Trip

2019 Mission Trip

Date: July 4 -16, 2019

Purpose: English Camp

Download Application

Blog from Past trips

This summer’s Latvia English Camp (LEC) will be another opportunity for the members of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church to share God’s love with the children and adults of Sloka, Latvia. We are excited you have an interest in joining us to change the lives of the people there. God continues to use His people here at St. Luke’s to reach out to the world and share the Good News of the Gospel.

Throughout the Bible, God calls His people to serve Him as we serve others around us. Just as He called to Isaiah “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” and Isaiah responded, “Here I am. Send me!” We are pleased that you are interested in serving our Lord whether in Sloka, Latvia or wherever He leads you to serve.

The trip to Sloka, Latvia, is a big commitment and requires much advance planning and preparation. Our team will be made up of individuals who have a variety of skills, interests and experience with the common link being a strong commitment to Christ and a servant heart. The camp draws many children from the community, who are excited to learn English from Americans. This provides us a great opportunity to develop relationships and tell them about the love of Jesus. Travel dates are from Wednesday, July 4th, to Tuesday, July 16. The camp starts on Monday after we arrive and runs to Saturday. For more information, contact or download the application and return it to the church office.