GI Care Packages

Greetings from Afghanistan!

We received your packages this week and it brought great joy to the team. I have attached a few photos that we took on our patio. Thank you for your dedication and support to the troops.



Greetings from Afghanistan,

My name is Randy , I am a civilian police advisor working in..... at AP Lightning. I work with a member of your congregation, Ben .

First, I would like to thank you on behalf of the soldiers here for the care packages your church sent us. Anything from home is always such a treat, especially during the Holiday season.

Second, I wanted to tell you what a joy it is, getting to work with Ben. He always has a positive attitude and is a great example of how a person can share their Christian faith, simply by how they carry themselves around others. Ben makes me laugh on a daily basis and I consider him a Christian brother that I could go to if I was in need.

Thanks again for the care packages and MERRY CHRISTMAS!


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