Rules & Procedures

Sportsmanship - Perseverance - Respect - Honesty - Integrity - Confidence - Responsibility 

Gym Uniforms -  

**** Students not wearing the above-mentioned gym uniform will have points deducted from that day's class grade. ****

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES  (pages 9 & 10 of St. Linus Handbook)

Extra-curricular activities are defined as activities that are sponsored by St. Linus School or St. Linus Parish.

Participation in these activities is a privilege not a right, and all students are subject to compliance with the St. Linus ineligibility policy. 


St. Linus School strives to achieve academic excellence for all students.  It is our hope that all students meet full academic potential.  While we understand the importance of extra-curricular activities, we feel that academics are of primary importance.  Therefore, the following extra-curricular eligibility policy shall be enforced.


All students, including Religious Education, who participate in Extra-Curricular Activities, must meet eligibility requirements.  These eligibility requirements will be monitored by school administration and the Saint Linus Athletic Department and Pastor. 

 ·      Academics / No failing grades

Students who do not meet these requirements will be removed from participation in extra-curricular events for a minimum of one week, starting and ending on Monday, and continue weekly until the discrepancy is resolved.  The school administration will send a letter home to the parents the Friday prior to the start of the “ineligibility” stating that the student is ineligible to participate in extra-curricular events.  A list of ineligible students will be given to the Athletic Director who will inform necessary people.  The school will inform organization coordinators i.e., Student Council, NJHS, etc.   All students will be “eligible” at the start of each quarter. 

·      Appropriate conduct / Behavior

At any time throughout the school year students may be removed from extra-curricular participation for academic and/or discipline reasons.  The decision for removal and the length/period of time for the removal lies with and is determined the school principal, a period of time as determined by the principal. Students, who have been removed from any athletic team or school organization, may not attend or participate in practices, meetings, and activities.  Athletes may attend but not dress for practices and games. (Except to condition)

·   Unmet parental financial obligations

Students will be excluded from all social and athletic program participation due to unmet parental financial obligations.

***Exceptions to this policy may be made at the discretion of the school administration.

***The Pastor shall monitor Religious Education Student

"Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity." (JFK)