
What are Committees?

Each student had to apply for which committee they wanted to work for. This allowed them to tell the teachers why they wanted to work on those details and why they would be an asset to the group. Students offered prior experiences that would help them, along with organizations or clubs they already had or still belong to. The teachers placed students according to their interests and strengths.

Below, the students wrote a description of their committee and the committee's task.

Public Relations

The Public Relations Committee has been working on getting the word out on the project. They have made flyers for fundraisers and have created this website to spread what they are doing. Their goal is to let everyone know about our project.

Technology Committee

The Technology Committee has been working on computers. They have been moving and organizing computers, as well as programming computers and making sure they work properly. They do everything involving technology. They are working on getting new computers and keyboards for the computers. Their goals are to get people using the desktops more because of their capabilities. They have also decided to have a smaller amount of computers because most students have Chromebooks.

The Technology Committee will continue to work on setting up the 3D printers in the Makerspace along with creating an area for desktops along the computer lab windows with a charging station for the Chromebooks.

Budget Committee

The Budget Committee has been working on distributing and saving money to renovate the library. During class, they looked over budget proposals and evaluated them. They always made it the number one priority to use the money wisely. They meet with each group after they received a budget proposal from them, to discuss their needs. They are also very close to the fundraising team trying to raise more money to be spent on renovations.

MakerSpace Committee

The MakerSpace Team is responsible for the creating of the "MakerSpace", which is an area that will serve many needs and purposes for construction or building needs. They are turning the space into a usable space for clubs such as Robotics and Makers Club.

They are planning to remove part of the Kiva and replace it with a green screen, Lego wall, tool bench, and welding table. Currently, they have been working on moving and sorting Legos into their designated areas and starting to put tools into their spots.

Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising Committee has been working on raising money to renovate the library into a MakerSpace. So far, they have raised over $190 from school-wide bake sales. They are still coming up with fundraising ideas to help make more income to improve our library and make space.

Book Committee

The Book Committee is working with the library's book supply. They have been organizing books, condensing them, and getting new books for the students to enjoy. They have gone through each book in the library to check the quality of the book and also when it was checked out last. They have worked with the Fundraising Committee to start a fundraising opportunity called Friends of the Library.

Flooring and Wall Committee

The Flooring and Wall Committee is in charge of painting the walls and replacing the floors with materials they think fit the space. For example, they want to replace the floors with painted concrete for the MakerSpace, but new carpet for the media center space. The last couple of weeks they have been finding options for carpet, paints, and details they would like to include on the walls and floor. The details they would like to have in the space are, a green screen, the Wolverine logo on the floor, and a Lego wall.

Right now the flooring and walls group are concluding their final plan for the floors and walls in the library and media space. They have found all of the dimensions of the room, found many paint options, and are currently finishing the floor plan.

Furniture Committee

The Furniture Committee is responsible for the furniture. They have moved bookcases and researched what will be needed in the new spaces. They have had great ideas to move the kiva sitting area to a new location and also create a new area for the middle school.

They will continue to work on replacing old furniture and new workbenches and shelving for the MakerSpace.