English at St Joseph's
Welcome to English at St Joseph's
At St Joseph’s, we teach English by developing the following skills:
Spoken Language (speaking and listening)
Spelling, punctuation and grammar
Children learn through a wide range of experiences: writing stories, letters, diaries, information texts, reports, poetry, the analysis of text, drama, films, plays, assemblies/liturgies and songs.
Spoken Language at St Joseph’s
At St Joseph’s, we develop children’s confidence and clarity in spoken language. We do this in many ways such as:
Encouraging conversations. This could be through questioning, sparking interactions and giving prompts.
Modelling and encouraging listening skills.
Modelling speaking loudly and clearly.
Boosting comprehension through questioning.
Developing these skills enable children to clarify their thinking and organise their ideas for writing. Children have opportunities in class worship, group discussions, class assemblies and drama.
To see further information about reading and writing, please use the tabs above.