Class Overview
Mathematics Overview
6th - 6th grade level math
7th - 7th grade level and advanced
8th - 8th grade level and Algebra
Given almost every day. Students have time to get started on their work in class, so they can ask questions/seek help.
Students should practice math facts and review notes every night.
All grades will have a quiz periodically. This is to show me what they know and what we need to work on next.
Tests (Summative) will be at the end of every chapter. Students may redo assessments after they have gotten it signed by a parent and made corrections on a separate sheet of paper.
I am available during recess if any students need extra help.
Religion Overview
6th - Old Testament
7th - New Testament
8th - Church History
Students will have a different prayer to memorize each month.
At least once a week students will have to read a bible passage and answer questions.
Rosary and Meditation
Every Friday we will go to the chapel to say the Rosary and/or have time for quiet prayer
Service Hours
10 hours of service by May
Students need to try to complete service in each category:
Community, Parish, School Family
Number of hours
Description of service
What they have learned about themselves as a result of your service.
Description of the impact they had on either family, school, parish, or community.
Is there anything they would do differently?
Students can NOT receive a reward for service (Example: money for babysitting or a casual pass) If students receive a reward they may NOT count it as service hours.
All students 6th - 8th grade will have a retreat by the end of the year. I am working with the youth director to plan each retreat.
Students will have a test (Summative) at the end of each chapter. Students may redo assessments after they have gotten it signed by a parent and made corrections on a separate sheet of paper. Redos are done during study hall time.
Social Studies Overview:
6th - Ancient Civilizations
Understanding how ideas and events from the past impact people today and predicting how events today will impact the future (current events)
Looking at primary sources to determine context, point of view, audience and current relevance
Understanding basic government and economic concepts.
4 current events projects per year
Homework will be assigned 2-3 times per week, consisting of comprehension questions, critical thinking of concepts covered in class, vocabulary practice or current events
Students will have a test (Summative) at the end of each chapter. Students may redo assessments after they have gotten it signed by a parent and made corrections on a separate sheet of paper. Redos are done during study hall time.