Statement of Re-Enrolment Understanding

Please read the following Statement of Re-Enrolment Understanding and then complete the acknowledgment form below.

As a Catholic school community, St Joseph’s College is committed to Gospel values that are central to all relationships within the College. These values link the College, the home and the broader community of the Church and are expressed through the Charter for Catholic Schools in the Salesian tradition.

St Joseph’s College commits to a holistic education in faith and the secular curriculum provided for each of its students, consistent with the undertakings in its policies and documentation. In response, we agree to the following Statement of Enrolment Understanding:

Student Commitment

As a student of St Joseph’s College, I understand and accept that:

  1. All Religious Education classes and retreats are an integral part of the holistic education at St Joseph’s College. I will participate in them to the best of my ability.

  2. There are certain behaviours and actions that the College does not accept: The bringing of drugs, weapons or other prohibited goods to school; bullying; any form of violence. If I breach any of these understandings, it may place my enrolment at the College in jeopardy.

  3. The College reserves the right to inspect student bags and lockers or check student mobile phones and electronic devices where such action is necessary to ensure the discipline, safety and wellbeing of all students.

  4. I am a representative of the College. I will wear my school and sport uniform with pride and always be of neat and tidy appearance in accordance with the College Uniform Policy. My hair will be neatly styled and presented in accordance with the College Uniform Policy.

  5. As a representative of the College community, I am expected to be respectful to all fellow students, teachers and other College staff members, parents and visitors to the College and members of the public.

  6. If I have a particular talent in the arts, sport, or some other endeavour, I am expected to share that talent to support the College.

  7. I am expected to be regular in attendance (minimum 95%), be punctual to lessons and other activities, bring all required equipment and apply myself conscientiously to my studies and not disrupt the learning of other students.

  8. I must fully participate in all school functions/activities to the best of my ability.

  9. In exceptional circumstances, unacceptable behaviour may result in enrolment being terminated.

  10. I am expected to participate, to the best of my ability, in all College compulsory teaching/non-teaching days, including St Joseph’s Day, Athletics, Swimming, Camps, information sessions and designated Community Masses and Retreats. On such days, a medical certificate or the like is required to explain any absence.

Parent/Guardian Commitment

As a parent/guardian of St Joseph’s College, I understand and accept that:

  1. At the time of enrolment application and subsequent enrolment acceptance, disclosure of any special needs or disabilities that may affect my son’s learning are essential so the College can then take steps to assist him. I understand that where this disclosure does not take place, the College may be unable to provide for my son’s special needs.

  2. We assent to the rules, policies and procedures of the College.

  3. We will do all in our power to encourage our son to make St Joseph’s College a better place by his positive contribution to all aspects of College life (religious, moral, scholastic, cultural, social, and sporting).

  4. We give permission for the storage of our son’s student information such as academic records and visual images.

  5. We authorise St Joseph’s College to contact our son’s previous school to gain information pertinent to his schooling.

  6. We hereby authorise the person in charge of Health Care at the College to give formal permission for the administration of our son to hospital, for the administration of anesthetic by a legally qualified practitioner, the transfusion of blood and be operated upon in case of medical emergency if such treatment is considered necessary by a qualified practitioner. We understand that this permission will only be used if we could not be contacted within a reasonable period of time.

  7. The College community relies on the voluntary contribution of parents. I will contribute to the degree that I am able. Additionally, I will support the College’s efforts to engage my son in fundraising and social awareness for social justice causes consistent with our Catholic ethos and Salesian charism.

  8. My support for the educational program, including participation in overnight and other excursions (camps), sports days, special feast days, is expected. These activities are an essential part of the College program and exemption can only be granted in exceptional circumstances. There is no provision for non-participation or financial opt-out of these essential elements of the St Joseph’s curriculum. On such days, a medical certificate or the like is required to explain any absence.

  9. The Protocol for Home-School Communication, a copy of which is available on the College website, provides a guide to communication between me and members of the College staff.

  10. Seeking permission to withdraw my son from school during term time is detrimental to my son’s learning.

  11. Attendance at Parent Information Nights and Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews supports my son’s learning.

  12. Should I need to register a complaint to the College, I will conduct myself in a respectful and courteous manner. Correspondingly, you can expect to be responded to in a respectful and courteous manner. I understand that unacceptable behaviour from a complainant may result in the College withdrawing from engagement with the complainant, to the fullest extent that may be necessary.

  13. In instances where my son, through carelessness or negligent behaviour, has caused damage to school property including IT equipment, furnishings, library books, musical instruments, sports equipment etc, I will support the College.

  14. The College offers a range of educational and student wellbeing services and that the College is best placed to determine their appropriate application.

  15. I have enrolled my son at St Joseph’s College for a Year 7-12 schooling. Should I withdraw my son from the College prior to Year 12, we will provide one full term’s notice or pay one term’s fees in lieu of that notice.

  16. In addition, I will cease having a family connection for subsequent applicants. I understand that one term’s notice of intention to withdraw my son’s enrolment is required, and that exceptions need to be discussed in advance with the Principal or his/her representative.

  17. Fees and levies need to be remitted promptly in accordance with the terms advised annually. I will contact the Business Manager as soon as it becomes obvious that I may not be able to pay all fees and levies. Should I need assistance with fees and levies (on a needs basis), I will discuss this with the Business Manager at the earliest opportunity.

  18. Both legal guardians (parent or guardian), are required to co-sign all initial and subsequent documents associated with my son’s enrolment, unless there are court orders to the contrary.

  19. Non-commitment to this Agreement places the enrolment of my son in jeopardy and could result in Enrolment for the following year being reviewed by the College.

  20. Give consent for our son’s photograph to be used as part of College publications i.e. Newsletter, College Year Book, College Website, marketing material etc.

  21. I have read the College’s Data Collection Notice.

  22. I understand that a re-enrolment commitment process may occur in subsequent years e.g. for Year 8 through to Year 12.