Friends of Kiribati Support Program

St Joseph’s College sponsors students from the island nation of Kiribati to live within our community and attend the College for two years. This is an ongoing program we run to support the community of Kiribati and give their students an opportunity to study in Australia. We also run an annual trip for local students to travel to Kiribati and experience the vastly different culture and remote living conditions.


Our students support the boys and learn about their culture. They also learn to appreciate the education they are so fortunate to receive in Australia. A number of years ago, our students worked together to raise funds for one of our sponsored students who was in desperate need of medical treatment not available at Kiribati. Our students made a significant difference to this boy’s life and that is something they will remember for a lifetime.


We are inviting families to join our Friends of Kiribati Support Program so we can continue to sponsor these students. If you make a small donation we will keep you up to date on the boys’ progress, achievements and how your donation has supported them.


The money raised will be used to:

•         Help pay for flights, visas, insurance, books, uniform and materials for scholarship students.

•         Provide support for homestay families to accommodate scholarship students.

•         Enable scholarship students to return home to visit families each June.

•       Any additional funds will be used to provide gifts and donations to schools and families in Kiribati and will be personally delivered during the annual cross-cultural trip.


We invite you to join the program and help change the lives of our three sponsored boys from Kiribati. Please return the below slip to the College with your kind donation.

If you have any questions, please contact Dylan Price, Kiribati Convenor, at the College on 9758 2000 or email

Friends of Kiribati.pdf