1:1 Device Care and Security

Students are responsible for the care of the Apple device that is provided to them. The Apple device must be treated as a valuable and fragile item and students will be held accountable for any damage that occurs. Students must ensure that all operating procedures are followed as well as making certain that the Apple device care instructions provided in the manufacturer’s handbook are always observed.


All Apple devices must be kept in a protective cover. Failure to keep the Apple device in a protective cover will void the insurance policy should any damage occur.


Use in the classroom

The Apple Devices are used heavily in class and should only be used at the student’s desk/table where it can be set out with books and other equipment in an uncluttered and orderly arrangement. Apple Devices should not be used on the floor or in specialist practical areas (unless clearly stated by the Supervising Teacher). An exception to this rule would be the newly created College Learning Spaces recently provided; Becchi (Year 7 Learning Space) and Chieri (the College Library) and in our support centre for Learning, Occhiena.


Movement around the school

Apple devices are to be used during class time only. Chieri and Occhiena are also areas where usage is allowed. The use of the Apple device in the schoolyard during recess or lunchtime is not permitted. Transporting the Apple device around the school should be done safely with the Apple device kept in its protective cover. Students only need to have their Apple device on their person at recess or lunch if they are visiting the IT Service Centre for technical support or using Chieri.


Storage at school

Each student is provided with a personal locker for the storage of their books, equipment and the Apple device. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure his locker is secured with a sturdy combination lock. Obviously, a student should never divulge the lock combination to other students. The Apple device must be stored in the locker at recess, lunchtime or whenever it is not required for class (e.g. PE lessons or Sports afternoon). Students are not permitted to leave their Apple device at the College overnight except in an emergency when it may be booked in at the ICT Helpdesk.


Transport to and from school

Students must be mindful of the risk of Apple device damage or theft while they are travelling to and from the College each day. The Apple device, in its protective cover, must remain in the backpack and out of sight at all times while travelling to and from the College. Students should take great care with their backpack and keep it in their possession at all times while travelling. When using public transport, the backpack should be on the student’s lap while seated or between the legs when standing. If an Apple device sustains damage on public transport because it is not in the student’s possession, the damage may not be covered by insurance. To be safe the Apple device should never be displayed or used in public whilst travelling.

Some students travel to and/or from school by car. The backpack should never be left in an unattended vehicle unless it is stored in the boot.


Using the College Backpack

A backpack with an internal padded compartment is part of the College uniform. Students are required to use this compartment in the backpack for transporting the Apple device to and from the College. Nothing else should be placed in the padded compartment as this could lead to pressure damage to the Apple device. In addition, students must be careful not to over pack their backpack as this could also lead to pressure damage to the Apple device or back injuries from the excessive weight.


Safe Use and storage at home

It is beneficial for students to have a regular place to do their homework. This place should be properly set up with a desk or table, adjustable chair, good lighting and easy access to a power point. The Apple device should be used in an uncluttered and orderly arrangement. Any leads and cords should be organised neatly so that they do not create trip hazards or other dangers. When the Apple device is not in use, it should be stored in the protective case and out of sight. This is especially important when the home is unattended. It is important to also store the power supply out of sight. A power supply left lying around provides a clue that there may be an Apple device close by. Some very useful information about protecting your home from burglary can be found on the Crime Prevention Victoria web site, in particular their brochure titled ‘Home Burglary: What you can do to avoid it’.


What to do if an Apple device is damaged or stolen

If a student misplaces their Apple device at school, they must immediately notify the Year Level Leader. If an Apple device is stolen from your home or car, please notify police immediately. In addition, please notify the College’s Business Manager on 9758 2000 during school hours. Any damage to an Apple device should be reported to the ICT Helpdesk as soon as possible. Most instances of accidental damage are covered by insurance and the procedure for lodging an insurance claim is handled by the College. Please note that as part of the conditions of using an iPad, the fee payer/s have agreed to pay the $200 excess charged for any insurance claim lodged concerning the iPad. As part of the conditions of using a MacBook, the fee payer/s have agreed to pay the $250 excess charged for any insurance claim lodged concerning the MacBook. Should damage occur as a result of negligent or irresponsible behavior, it is likely the damage will not be covered by insurance and the fee payer/s of the student responsible will be invoiced for the full cost of repairs or replacement device.



Students are responsible for backing up data on their device. Students are expected to have a backup of their schoolwork in case of a problem with their devices hardware or software. The College accepts no liability in the event that data stored on a student’s device is unrecoverable.


The College recommends students backup their device daily using the software/platforms below:


iPad – iCloud, Google Drive and/or iTunes backups

Macbook – iCloud, Google Drive and/or Time Machine backups


Students are expected to familiarise themselves with the backup software/platforms listed above. For assistance and instruction on using backup software, please visit the ICT Helpdesk.