
Sleep deprivation has played a major role in many catastrophic events throughout history. Today, teenagers face growing pressures to become involved in many extracurricular activities, while also maintaining good grades to gain acceptance into college. The inevitable result of juggling school and extracurricular activities results in sleep deprivation, which has a negative impact on both the short and long-term mental and physical health of the average teenager. The education system has failed to recognize the growing expectations placed on students by maintaining an early start time for the school day, despite recommendations by health professionals. The question becomes will the education system evolve to accommodate the ever-increasing demands on students to protect their mental and physical health, or will it remain stagnant as it has for decades? If this problem is not recognized and solved, the mental and physical effects of sleep deprivation on teenagers’ health could be catastrophic. All education professionals should put the health and well-being of students first and delay the start time for the school day to make it possible for students to sleep the recommended number of hours per night. This will lead to increased attendance, better grades, and improvement in the physical and mental health of students.