SJGS Resource

Our resource support program provides one-on-one, small group, and in-class academic support services to students. Three dedicated resource faculty members work with students and their teachers in grades K-8 to provide math, literacy, and learning skills support, as well as enrichment opportunities, in order to help all students meet their fullest potential. Resource support programs include Leveled Literacy Intervention, Fast ForWord, and Reading Assistant (see the links at the left for more information on these programs).

In addition to administering these programs and skills support, our resource faculty assist in overseeing individual education plans, testing accommodations, and benchmark assessments. SJGS also provides learning disabilities diagnosis, as well as speech therapy, through the local public school corporation.

Please use the drop-down menu at the top left to learn more about the programs we offer and to contact us.

We are so grateful for the opportunity to support all our children as they learn and grow their best!