Natures Impact on Wellness 

Literature Review Final Draft du Four.pdf

My literature review on how nature impacts people by going in depth through different experiments and how conservation should be focused on.

For my final product I have created a book that tells the stories of teenagers' experiences with nature. The link above will take you to said book.

Thomas du Four 2022 Final Capstone Presentation.mp4


My name is Thomas du Four and I am a senior graduating 2022 at Saint Johns Preparatory School in Massachusetts. I wanted to give an explanation about what connected me to this topic. I have several mental disorders including two learning disabilities along with depression and anxiety. I mention this because I have tried to treat my depression through therapy and technology. What I found that worked for me is that I was happiest during the summer when I was outside with my friends. Every day I would walk everywhere and found that listening to the natural world around me and looking around really decreased my levels of brooding thoughts. I always tried to understand why I have this elevated sense of wellness when I am outside so I decided that would be what I would research. A year prior to capstone I took a course on relational dynamics with Mr. Reinbold that inspired my thinking in the topic of nature and wellness. I decided fairly early that I wanted my final product to involve some sort of writing since I enjoy writing and am in the process of writing my own story. My final product came out to be a short, digital book that incorporates viewpoints of other teens and also shares experiences. For my final presentation I hope to get across everything that I have worked on very passionately and give my final thoughts on what nature is to me.