Light Pollution

About Me

Hello. My name is Jake Kirsch and over the course of the past year, I have devoted my main focus of Capstone towards the issue of Light Pollution and how to mitigate the spread of this phenomenon and the negative health effects that come with it. I became interested in this topic due to the underrepresentation that Light Pollution has in our media.

Jake 2022 Capstone Final Presentation.mp4
Kirsch Lit Review.pdf

Literature Review

My Capstone literature review summarizes my secondary research, focusing on the health aspects of light pollution, the switch to LEDs in America, and the ‘solution’ for this excess light. Beginning my research, I was overwhelmed by the grim statistics that light pollution imposes upon the world, yet as I broke down the factors and causes of this issue, I quickly realized that it is not a lost cause to stop the spread of artificial light. The negative effects that wasted light has on humans is truly detrimental, and therefore compelled me to dive deeper into my research. The technological advancements that, specifically, America has made regarding LED lights and including better shielding techniques have added an element of hope to the equation. It was also inspiring to realize that even though big organizations like the IDA are working on creating legislation to reduce light emissions, individuals also have a lasting impact on the future of light pollution.