A policy recommendation for 21st century policing in Massachusetts and beyond

Will Boemer '21

Literature Review

Police reform is perhaps one of the most unique political issues in American history. When the issue captures the attention of the public, social and mainstream media alike focus on protests and the political implications of the issue. But even if the problem of reform appears divisive, there are still researchers working to find creative, relevant, and holistic solutions to problems that result in incidents like the death of George Floyd in May of 2020. Passionate pro-police and pro-reform protesters both held their entrenched positions throughout the events of summer 2020, while others looked for ways the perspectives of all could be included to find solutions that worked effectively. With police reform being such a pressing and essential issue in our nation, it is imperative that research and collaborative thinking on the topic centers around finding solutions that work for every American. Previous research has concentrated on the previous failures of American policing, but the most effective, solution-driven research has tried to answer one question: How can police tactics and training be reformed to address the needs and challenges of the 21st century?

Click here to read my literature review. 

Final Presentation

Will Boemer.mp4
Boemer '21 - Final Product.mp4

Final Policy Recommendation

    In the course of my research I came across several relevant and meaningful TED talks on the significance of guardian culture and a community policing mindset in 21st century policing. These talks highlight the many meaningful conclusions drawn by the police officers and police chiefs I spoke with over the course of my interviews. I encourage anyone interested in Police Reform to watch these talks, and to process the institutional change concepts and mindset changes they bring up. It is these sort of institutional changes that have formed the basis for the 21st century policing model I researched over the course of this year. Thank you to TEDx for supplying these videos, and feel free to reach out to me at will.boemer21@gmail.com if any of the ideas in these videos spark interest or curiosity.

Additional Sources

Below are two sources from the international association of chiefs of police. These documents, intended for use by police department leadership provide steps and examples for how to improve community trust with the police and how to effectively implement community policing strategies. In addition to the policy proposal and task force on 21st century policing recommendations, these IACP steps offer guidance on implementing strategies that revitalize the interdependence of the police and the public.




Federal government policy

Task force on 21st century policing:


Strategies for Policing Innovation:


Community policing journalism 





Examples of department level community policing 

Worcester MA Police Department:


New South Wales Police Force Australia:


Springfield MA Police Department:


Additional Journalism on Police Reform



