Equity over Equality in Schools

Thomas Ligh '21

The Impact of and Benefits of Technology in Schools: Literature Review

My literature review is an essay on my secondary research on the topic of technology in the education system. My original topic was how does technology impact a school system and overall education. When conducting my research I looked into the current systems and methods that schools are using technology, pros and cons, as well as student and teacher prospectives in technology in schools. The overall goal of the literature review was to get a baseline of information on my topic to prepare for my primary research.

Click here to read my literature review.

Thomas Ligh '21 Final Presentation.mp4

Final Presentation

Thomas Ligh '21 Final Product.mp4

Public School Funding Recommendation

My final product is a slide show that gives a brief idea of how public school funding is currently being divided as well as the idea of an equity system. The later half of the presentation focuses on possible solutions to the issue of access to the internet. These ideas come from methods that other schools around the country are implementing to address this issue.

Final Product - Thomas Ligh