ZOOM Information

Hello 3rd Grade Families,

Welcome! I have included the following ZOOM links for the classes that I teach. The children are all familiar with the Google Classrooms. This is the information for the actual ZOOM meeting. Please note that the information is different for each class that I teach.

ZOOM Information 2022- Mrs, Diggs

This is the ZOOM information for my HOMEROOM, 3A (Religion), ELA-Diggs, Math-Diggs, Science-3A, and Science-3B classes:

HOMEROOM and Religion-3A

Time: Please use a student schedule for times. These vary daily.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 945 4751 3849

Passcode: UsiG35


Time: Please use a student schedule for times. These vary daily.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 933 6421 4152

Passcode: 0sGYPy


Time: Please use a student schedule for times. These vary daily.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 918 8917 9620

Passcode: c2hZBH


Time: Please use a student schedule for times. These vary daily.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 972 0463 4320

Passcode: DqL91v


Time: Please use a student schedule for times. These vary daily.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 982 9826 3493

Passcode: 9trzap