Welcome to S1

Virtual Transition Newsletter 2

16th June 2021

We hope you all enjoyed reading our first transition newsletter when we introduced some of the things that you need to know about high school and St Modan's.

In our first newsletter we introduced the S1 PSD Team and some other things about the school. You can still see that information if you like by clicking on Newsletter 1: 14th June at the top right hand corner above. In this, our second, newsletter, we'll introduce you to some different departments and groups that support our pupils at St Modan's.

You will also hear from more of our pupils: some just starting S3 and others who are just finished S6 high school. Many of our pupils are keen to share their knowledge and love of St Modan's with you.

Looking forward to see you all soon,

Mrs Shandley, Miss Quinn,

Mr Curran and the S1 PSD Team

Some words of wisdom from those who've been through transition...

Hello New S1, if you are worrying about this school- don’t! When I first joined I was nervous but when I got used to it, I was completely fine. You will get a timetable and you will get an S6 to help you find your classes and get used to the school. You will be fine and most of all have fun. Ross Brown

You shouldn’t be nervous about coming to high school and moving away from primary school. St. Modan’s is a great school and I’m sure you will have a great time here! Mollie Binnie

Meet the ASN & Inclusion Team

In addition to the S1 PSD Team, there are lots of people to help you at St Modan's HS. Ms Warkentin, is the Principal Teacher of ASN & Inclusion, and she has a team of staff, both teachers and Support for Learning Assistants who will help you with your learning and any concerns you may be having about how to do things at high school.

Try not to worry about being able to do the work or finding things hard. We have lots of different ways to support our learners. It might be some help in class; access to a laptop or chromebook; a quiet space at interval and lunchtime; or just someone to listen. You will find all this support through the ASN and Inclusion Team.

Message from Ms Warkentin:

I am really looking forward to meeting everyone! First we will meet through the virtual transition activities and then in person. It is a different way of doing things and that's okay. We are all different as people and together we will find a way to make this transition a success.

Wellbeing and Mental Health at St Modan's

A big HELLO to all of you who will be starting at St Modan's after the summer.

I am Mrs Ramsay and you will find me down in the Home Economics Department and I will be teaching a large number of you in S1. I love my subject and look forward to getting you excited about cooking and health. I also have another great passion which is the importance of not just looking after our physical body but also our mental health too. I have the privilege of also being in the role of Principal Teacher of Wellbeing and I will briefly explain the importance of Wellbeing at St Modans.

Our main aim is to continually develop and coordinate a whole school approach to


which involves every pupil (new and older), your parents and all the school staff.

Hopefully you will have watched the 2 attached videos from Ellie and Eva who are our Lead Pupil Mental Health Advocates. I work very closely with them and also a group of staff called the Wellbeing School Improvement Group - SIG!) - SEE ATTACHED SELFIE PHOTO to make sure we achieve our whole school aim above.

Mrs Ramsay

Ellie's P7 video .MOV

Special Message from our S6 Mental Health Advocates

Eva's P7 video .MOV

Eva and Ellie have prepared a welcome message for you. The girls work with Mrs Ramsay to promote positive Mental Health and Wellbeing across the whole school. They are looking forward to welcoming you to St Modan's very soon. You will be invited to get involved in lots of different activities including the Friday Club.

St Modan's HS Staff Wellbeing School Improvement Group

Help is never far away....

The staff and older pupils at Saint Modan’s are always there if you need anything and they are always there to talk if you need them, if you need help with a project or you’re feeling upset about something. Grace Duffy

Young Carers' Support

Miss Aitkenhead, who is also part of the S1 PSD Team, runs the Young Carers support group at St Modan's HS. If you have caring responsibilities, you will find an understanding and supportive group at high school.

A message from Miss Aitkenhead:

Hello! I'm Miss Aitkenhead and I run the Young Carers' Group at St. Modan's HS. Young Carers are under 18 and help to look after a relative with a disability, mental health condition, or a drug or alcohol problem. The St Modan's Young Carers' group is here to support these amazing young people with advice, access to professional help, fun lunchtime groups and regular activities and trips such as movie afternoons. You will meet lots of other friendly young carers and we are here to help you.


Remember you'll learn lots about the school from the various Twitter accounts. Here's a few of them:

  • Mental Health & Wellbeing: @stmodansMH

  • Chaplaincy: @StModan

  • Physical Education: @StModansPE

  • Music: @StModMusic

St Modan

Advice from new S3 Pupils

There are a variety of music clubs open to all including different choirs and groups for instruments. Some we have are boys' choir, ukulele group, school orchestra, show choir and trad band. Hannah Gregory

The food is very good and the school has vegan options. From my experience the food is so much better than what you get in primary school. It is healthier and it just tastes so much better. If you need you can also bring a packed lunch instead. Lucy Nisbet

2 or 3 people from S6 will help you to your classes, until you are able to go to your classes yourself, and learn your way about the school. There’s even buddies if you are still stuck. Alex Forsyth

Top Tips from S3 Pupils

Transition is like going to someone else's house you have no idea where anything is but after a while you get used to it and remember where everything is and can tell other people. Cameron Aitchison

Either have your timetable on you or a picture on your phone because it's easy to forget what class you’re going to while trying to remember everything else. Frankie McKenna